


Temporary work visa – Short Stay Specialist (subclass 400) allows individuals to work on specialised and non-ongoing work in Australia for a short period, in cases where skills are not found in the said country.

This visa allows the person to:

  • Work in a highly specialised job for a short period;
  • Take a family member to Australia, but with limited activity (specifically language training program).


  • Since it is a temporary visa, the applicant is only allowed up to six (6) months, depending on circumstances.


  • An applicant may either be granted single-entry or multiple entry. If granted the former, once the applicant leaves Australia, they are unable to re-enter Australia on the visa; If granted multiple entry, the applicant may leave and re-enter Australia whenever they want, as long as the visa is valid.

Things to consider when applying for this visa

  • Processing
    • Processing time may take around 1-2 months, but the Cornerstone Migration team will exert best efforts to get the visa in the earliest possible time.
    • Be mindful when filling the application. Avoid making errors when inputting data, and always check documents to be included.
    • Pay the correct visa application charges. Application will not be process if the applicant has not paid the costs.
  • Eligibility
    • Possess the right skills, knowledge, experience needed, but difficult to find in Australia.
    • Support self (applicant) and dependants during the stay.
    • Meet the health and character requirement.


Temporary work – Short Stay (subclass 400) incurs the following costs:

  • Main applicant: AUD310
  • Pay additional cost for family member who wishes to apply for the visa with the main applicant.

There are also other payments, not part of the costs mentioned above, for health checks, biometrics, and police certificates.