Civil Engineer

Civil Engineering Professionals design, plan, organise and oversee the construction of civil engineering projects such as dams, bridges, pipelines, gas and water supply schemes, sewerage systems, roads, airports and other structures. They plan and develop transportation systems; and estimate and monitor the construction costs of projects.

Job Titles for this profession include Civil Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Quantity Surveyor or Building Economist, Structural Engineer, and Transport Engineer.
Civil Engineers work in most parts of Australia as they mainly work in: Professional, Scientific and Technical Services; Construction; and Public Administration and Safety. *This is a very large occupation employing 54,400 workers in 2017. The number of workers has grown very strongly over the past 5 years, and it is expected that the number of workers to grow very strongly to 65,600 over the next 5 years (to May 2022). Around 34,000 job openings are likely over this time from workers leaving and new jobs being created.
The Survey of Employers who have Recently Advertised (SERA) was conducted for the occupations of civil engineering professionals in April quarter 2017. Recruitment for civil engineering professionals has been difficult in NSW, with these occupations either being in shortage or experiencing a recruitment difficulty since 2008.  There is a shortage of civil engineering professionals in Central Business Districts such as Sydney. Compared to their regional counterparts, metropolitan employers filled a lower proportion of vacancies and attracted a third of the number of qualified applicants and suitable applicants per vacancy. 


A Bachelor’s Degree or higher is usually required. Relevant experience or on-the-job training is also needed. Registration or licensing may also be required


Knowledge of Engineering Technology, Building and Construction, Mathematics, Design and English Language rate as the most important areas


The skills workers rate as most important are in Critical Thinking, Reading Comprehension, Active Listening, Complex Problem Solving, and Mathematics


The physical and social abilities workers rate as the most important are: Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Information Ordering, Oral Comprehension, and Oral Expression

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