Chemical Engineer

A Chemical Engineer designs and prepares specifications for chemical process systems and the construction and operation of commercial-scale chemical plants and supervises industrial processing and fabrication of products undergoing physical and chemical change and investigate the properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and other materials and assess and develop their engineering and commercial applications. 
Chemical Engineers also review plans for new products and submit material selection recommendations in accordance with design specifications and factors such as strength, weight, and cost.
*According to an ABS Labour Force Survey, this occupation employed 4,100 workers in Australia in 2017 and the number of workers is expected to stay is about the same at 4,100 over the next 5 years (to May 2022). Around 2,000 job openings are likely over this time from workers leaving and new jobs being created.  Chemical Engineers mainly work in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services; Manufacturing and Mining. 


A Bachelor’s Degree or higher is usually required. Relevant experience or on-the-job training is also needed. Registration or licensing may also be required


Knowledge of Engineering Technology, Building and Construction, Mathematics, Design and English Language rate as the most important areas


The skills workers rate as most important are in Critical Thinking, Reading Comprehension, Active Listening, Complex Problem Solving, and Mathematics


The physical and social abilities workers rate as the most important are: Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Information Ordering, Oral Comprehension, and Oral Expression

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